LUJCM Present another  TJ Lowe Production entitled,

"A Love Shake Up At Sweet Water Drive"

Saturday, April 26, 2025 Ron Robinson   Theater beginnning at 1:30 pm,

100 River Market District, Little Rock, AR 72201.

 Mr.& Mrs. Jones are experiencing a strong shake-up in their home.

Will they be able stand against the whirlwind that's going on in their lives?  

 Come out and see whar's going on, you will not be disappointed.

Tickets are only $30.00 per person which may be purchased at,,

Cash App,$ & Uncle T's Food Mart,

1509 W. Daisy Gaston Bate Dr.LR., AR 72202

 For more information, contact # 501-618-1216 or 501-744-0474.



About Us

     Evangelist Teretha J. Lowe is the founder of Lifting Up Jesus Christ Ministries (LUJCM).  In the book of John 12:32, it says, "If I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men unto me."  Evangelist Lowe is doing so by preaching the gospel, writing, and producing soul-stirring       dramatic productions.  They will make you laugh, cry, bring joy, encouragement, peace, and provoke the viewers to righteousness if needed.

    Evangelist T.J. Lowe is the thankful wife of Chaplain Kenneth Lowe who works with her in the ministry.  They have two children that will work with them in the future.  Evangelist Lowe was instantly delivered from drugs and alcohol in 1981.  Being bound for many years she          finally got sick and tired and cried out to God.  He heard her and set her free.  That was over 38 years ago.  She thanks God for Bishop L.A. Lindsay and his wife Lady Rosetta Lindsay of Faith Temple Missionary Baptist Church of Little Rock, Arkansas.  She received a solid        foundation from their ministry and she will always be thankful for their ministry.

    As Evangelist Lowe grew in the Lord, she became a Sunday school teacher and worked in a children's church.  She began a street ministry where she and others would go and preach the gospel in areas that were supposedly tough neighborhoods.  Many people gave their hearts to Jesus.  In Luke 14:23 the Master said, "Go into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in that my house may be filled."

   For over 20 years Evangelist Lowe and her husband Chaplain Lowe has been under the covering of Full Counsel Metro Church (FCMC) in North Little Rock, Arkansas.  Bishop Silas and Lady Jennifer Johnson are the overseers.  She is licensed and ordained through                   FCMC, she is also active in the drama department.  She graduated from the FCMC School of Ministry in 1991 and in 2006 taught prayer in the school of ministry.  She is thankful to God for using her in the past and still using her to be a light wherever she goes.

   In 1992 during FCMC New Year's Eve service; Bishop Silas prophesied that in 1993 God was going to use Pastor Jennifer to pull things out of people that they were unaware they possessed.  One of those people was Evangelist Lowe.  She has written several plays and skits    she did not realize that was on the inside of her.  It is truly a gift from God.



Chaplain Kenneth Lowe is the Operations Manager of Lifting Up Jesus Christ Ministries    LUJCM).  Chaplain Lowe has compassion and love for the lost and hopeless. Before his conversion to Christianity Chaplain Lowe found himself down and out and no one to turn to in 1987.   He became addicted to crack cocaine and was hopeless without a future, but God had a plan for his life.  He returned home to Arkansas in December of 1987 and began the turnaround that led him back to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Chaplain Kenneth Lowe graduated from Full Counsel School of Ministry in May of 1992.  He received his Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies from the Institute of Teaching God's Word Theological Seminary (ITGWTS) in June of 1999.  Before graduating from seminary he was blessed to become a Missionary Chaplain at the Wrightsville Unit (Arkansas)    in April of 1999.  He was hired by Prison Fellowship Ministries (PFM) in January of 2001 and became their Field Director for the state of Arkansas.  Under his leadership, PFM accomplished a national initiative, Operation Starting Line, in less than half of the time allotted to plan and implement the program. 

After PFM Chaplain Lowe returned to undergraduate school and completed his Bachelors of Science degree in Organizational Management from John Brown University in June of 2006 at age 44. Two years later he graduated from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville with a Master of Science degree in Operations Management. 

Chaplain Lowe returned to the Arkansas Department of Corrections as a Chaplain at the Ouachita River Correctional Unit in December of 2009.  He remained until he was promoted to the Unit Chaplain of the Wrightsville Complex in September of 2011 and served until July of 2012.  Chaplain Lowe is a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel by Full Counsel Metro Church located in North Little Rock, Arkansas under the leadership of Bishop Silas and Lady Jennifer Johnson.  

Chaplain Lowe's most recent accomplishment is that God has graced him to lose over 210 lbs. over the last two years, from February 2012 until May of 2014.  Chaplain Lowe believes in the power of God that can change any circumstance or situation to the Glory of God, regardless of your situation.  Nothing is too big or too hard for God to handle.  God is the great "I AM," He will turn it around; give Him the Praise and the Glory.  He deserves it all.